Fraud & Security
If you think you have been a victim of identity theft or you have had your card stolen or lost, contact Advancial immediately.

Protecting your privacy and keeping your data secure is our number one priority.
Here's how Advancial keeps you and your money safe:
Know the Red Flags
🚩: The representative is asking for personal information.
Advancial will never ask for your PIN, Social Security Number or OTP over the phone. Remember Advancial already has ALL your information and full access to your accounts, so we don’t need that information from you.
Advancial will never ask for your PIN, Social Security Number or OTP over the phone. Remember Advancial already has ALL your information and full access to your accounts, so we don’t need that information from you.
🚩: Government agencies do not ask for your personal information over the phone.
They do not pressure you for immediate payment or threaten arrest or legal action if you don’t pay over the phone.
Government agencies only communicate through official channels. If you are in doubt about an email, text or phone call, be sure to look up the government agency contact information on their official website and call them directly.
They do not pressure you for immediate payment or threaten arrest or legal action if you don’t pay over the phone.
Government agencies only communicate through official channels. If you are in doubt about an email, text or phone call, be sure to look up the government agency contact information on their official website and call them directly.
🚩: The company calls, texts or emails without you initiating contact and requests access to your computer.
Legitimate companies do not operate this way. Never allow ANYONE into your computer that you have not requested and/or are 100% confident in the legitimacy of the request. Once a fraudster has access to your computer the sky is the limit on access they can gain to drain you financially.
Legitimate companies do not operate this way. Never allow ANYONE into your computer that you have not requested and/or are 100% confident in the legitimacy of the request. Once a fraudster has access to your computer the sky is the limit on access they can gain to drain you financially.
🚩: You cannot confirm the identity of the person on the other end.
Always contact that person directly using the phone number or email you have used before in order to verify the request. Reach out to other relations to authenticate the situation.
Always contact that person directly using the phone number or email you have used before in order to verify the request. Reach out to other relations to authenticate the situation.
🚩: Asking for the difference in a way that you cannot cancel once it is sent.
Fraudsters commonly cancel the transaction or give you a check that is altered or counterfeit, leaving you with money that you sent that cannot be reclaimed. In addition, a fraudulent check will be returned to your account as a withdrawal for the full amount of the check. Leaving you on the hook for the amount of the check.
Fraudsters commonly cancel the transaction or give you a check that is altered or counterfeit, leaving you with money that you sent that cannot be reclaimed. In addition, a fraudulent check will be returned to your account as a withdrawal for the full amount of the check. Leaving you on the hook for the amount of the check.